
Wednesday 25 January 2012

3 Shia lawyers martyred in the firing of Nasabi-Wahabi terrorists in Karachi PAKISTAN

In apparently a target killing incident, three Shia lawyers were martyred by the Nasebi wahabi outlawed organization's armed assailants of Sipah Sahaba and Lashkar Jhangvi at Pakistan Chowk in Karachi.
According to the sources the lawyers were on their way in a car when unidentified gunmen riding in motorbikes targeted them at Pakistan Chowk near City Court, they opened fire from the two side of the car and the 3 shia lawyers has been martyred at the spot.
The terrorists managed to flee from the scene afterwards. The martyred lawyers are identified as Shakeel Jafferi, Kafeel Jafferi and Badar Munir.
“It was a target killing incident, they all were lawyers. Two of them are father and son,” a police official told to shiite news, adding that the dead bodies and injured have been shifted to civil hospital Karachi for medico-legal formalities.
Now the bodies of the martyred lawyers has been shifted to the Malir Imamnbargah, Hussaini Sifarat Khana. 
Injured lawyer Babar are still in critical condition and doctors are struggling  to save him.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Why We Die ? From Chritianity to Islam..

By Talat Kazmi.
Death is understood as a part of our life. In ancient times, it was not as accepted. We searched for immortality, we ran after various myths and legends of a 'fountain of youth' and 'golden fleece' to give us everlasting life. Along with the fables of potions and objects to prevent death, came the assumptions of why we die.
Numerous philosophers and poets gave their explanations, the ancients believed death was a curse on humans whereas pagan gods were immune to this curse, those gods could also remove this curse through a human/god marriage or sacred rituals.
In the Bible, Paul gives a similar reason for death by claiming we die because of sin. Paul asserts that the first human sinned, therefore lost immortality, and subsequently causing all humans to be seemingly 'cursed' with death.
At first , Paul blames Adam by saying,

" Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." [Ro 5:12]
" For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection
of the dead. For as in Adam all die..."
[1 Co 15:21-22] " Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses,
even over them that had not sinned..."
[Ro 5:14]
" For the wages of sin is death..." [Ro 6:23]

We fear and hate what we don't understand , hence Paul says,

" The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death " [1 Co 15:26]
Furthermore in the Bible, we encounter an equivalent to the 'fountain of youth' concept,

" Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal
life, and I will raise him up at the last day "
[John 6:54]
This is repeated by Paul who gives his own summary that Jesus gives eternal life,

" The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus..." [Ro 6:23] "...Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath
brought life and immortality..."
[2 Timothy 1:10]
Then Paul slips the accusation from Adam, over to Eve. Paul accuses all women of being responsible for the actions of Eve and says a woman can redeem herself through the pains of child "birth",
"...Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet woman will be saved through bearing children." [1 Timothy 2:14-15]
The Holy Quran does not give us episodes of 'original sin' and 'magic potions' . Instead the Holy Quran gives us facts from our Creator that death is a normal process and we live for a certain period and then return to God.
" Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good. And to Us you will be returned " [al-Quran 21:35]
" Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception " [al-Quran 3:185]
" And We did not create them (the Messengers of God, with) bodies that ate not food, nor were they immortals " [al-Quran 21:8]
The Gospel leads some Christians to believe that Eve is the cause of all death on earth. Their interpretation is that all of God's creation was made perfect, immortal. Then when Eve sinned, she was no longer perfect, no longer immortal, consequently passing death through out the earth.
Archeological scientists give us evidence through the Fossil records clearing the felony accusations towards Eve. Fossils give us solid proof that death existed and occurred millions of years before the existence of humans. The oldest human fossil, the homo habilis skeleton has been dated to be 2 million years old, showing that humans are relatively the youngest life forms on earth.
The conclusive verification that death existed despite the activities of humans, is that fossil skeletons of monkeys were found 39 million years old, ancestors of rabbits 45 million years old, prehistoric dog and cat skeletons 64 million years old. All manifesting death millions of years before humans ever sinned. This concrete evidence again shows that death is not a transmitted curse, instead death is a natural biological process which first affected algae and bacteria over 3 Billion years ago.
" Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good. And to Us you will be returned." [al-Quran 21:35]
Again signifying that death is universal, and no soul is exempted.

" And a soul will not die but with the permission
of Allah the term is fixed... "
[al-Quran 3:145] " Say (to hypocrites), Running away will not profit you if you
are running away from death or killing..."
[Quran 33:16]
" We have ordained death among you and
We are not to be outrun"
[al-Quran 56:60]
Death will catch all of us and it can not be conquered as Paul in the Bible conceives. The Quran says,
" Yet they have taken, besides Him, gods who created nothing but are themselves created, that have no control of hurt or good to themselves, nor can they control Death nor Life nor Resurrection " [al-Quran 25:3]
It is precisely stated in this verse that neither humans nor created idols, can have full control over death, dying is an unavoidable necrosis which those who assumed human gods could make you immortal, were wrong. The Quran debunks all fallacies of ancient flesh god parables who give us immortality through sacrifices or ritual drinks. Dying is an unavoidable occurrence similar to the sun setting.
" And it is He Who gives life and causes death, and (in) His (control) is the alternation of the night and the day, do you not then understand? "
[al-Quran 23:80]
The Divinity of this cycle is clear. If the Sun did not set, and the Night did not cover the land, then all of the earth would become barren, with a constant Sun 24 hours a day, the earth would wither away. Similarly, if humans did not die, the resources on this earth would have been depleted. We are surrounded by cycles, within and without our Universe, we also give birth, which maintains the existence of humans, so factually, both death and birth, maintains our presence here on earth.
Many cycles are referenced in the Holy Quran which generate and preserve life on our planet, if any of the numerous sequences, including death, were removed from the repeated phenomenons, the human race would fade away within a century, instead of lasting millenniums as we have been. If we observe our surroundings realistically, we need death, we can't live without it. Life and Death are a perfect pair like day and night.

" And of everything We have created pairs, that you may reflect " [al-Quran 51:49]
Death in Islam is a transitional process, to die is nothing to remorse about,

" Think not of those who are killed in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision " [al-Quran 3:169]
Here we see that death itself is not the punishment, the punishments from God are prior to death and in the manner of accountability, punishments and rewards are after death.

" And We did not create them (the Messengers of God, with) bodies
that ate not food, nor were they immortals "
[al-Quran 21:8]
" And We granted not to any man immortality before you ( O Muhammad p.b.u.h ): then if you die, would they live forever? " [al-Quran 21:34]
We see that Adam, is confirmed to be mortal, who was not exempted from death, so death was not passed down from Adam or Eve, nor did Adam cause himself to become mortal, being vulnerable to death is the way God created us.
Death is a stepping stone, not a pox spreading through humans, generation after generation. The Quran lifts you up and inspires you, the Quran teaches us that we are born Muslims (in submission to God), unlike other doctrines which teach you that we are born sinners, heathens, cursed, incomplete, imperfect, infectious, inadequate, and fall short.
While the Quran teaches you are a good person, you are born an agent of God, you can do the deeds that come with faith, and if not, God is Merciful, you are not passing a death curse on to your children, God loves you and your children. You are complete and you have the power to enter Heaven without any other human assistance, No one had to die in your place, God forgave Adam at the start, God is forgiving. God takes your personal physical limitations into account and is Cherishing. 
The Holy Quran says," And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob, 'Oh my sons! Allah has chosen for you the (true) religion, then die not except in the Faith of Islam' (Submission to God --- Monotheism)." [2:132] 
Thank you for reading, Your comments will be highly appreciated.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Reaction of Governor House Protest: Shia Ulema’s, Zakareen & leaders lose Police security

In a reactionary development, All Police guards provided to Shia Ulema’s, religious scholars, and leaders in Karachi have been withdrawn by the Sindh Police department on late Wednesday night.
According to the Shiite News Correspondent, The Police has withdrawn the security of Shia clerics and Ulema’s including Allama Taliba Johari, Allama Hassan Zafar Naqvi, Allama Abbas Kumaili, Maulana Mirza Yousuf Hussain, Maulana Nazir Abbas Taqvi, Maulana Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Maulana ShahanShah Hussain Naqvi, Maulana HussainMasoodi, Maulana Aon Mohammad Naqvi, Maulana Ikram Tirmizi, Allama Zohair Abidi and others without describing any solid reason.  
The sources confided told the Shiite News that the government has taken the step to withdraw the police guards to Shia clerics was to punish Shia leaders about the protest sit-in held outside the Governor House.
Sources further said that the decision was made in a meeting chaired by the Inspector General Sindh Police, Mushtaq Shah at the Central Police Office, adding that some top police officials had opined to withdraw the police guards from religious leaders’ security after the Shia community staged a protest for nominating SSP Chaudhry Aslam Khan of the Crime Investigation Department’s Anti-Extremist Cell in an FIR registered in the killing of their leader, Askari Raza.Its pertaining to mention here that the near about 100000 Shia Muslims were staged 10 hours long sit-in protest outside the Sindh Governor House in protest against the killing of Shaheed Askari Raza and demanding the registration of FIR against SSP Chaudhry Aslam and SSP leader Augranzeb Farooqi.
The overwhelming protest and sea of mourners were shaken the government and now they have planned to pressurize the Shia leaders by withdrawing their guards.
Additional Inspector General of Police, Karachi, Akthar Husain Gorchani confirmed to Dawn that the police guards given to religious leaders belonging to all the religious parties had been withdrawn and it was basically a ‘pre-emptive move’. He did not elaborate.However, sources said that at a meeting chaired by Sindh police chief Mushtaq Shah, some senior police officers expressed anger over a demand made by participants in a recent night-long sit-in outside the Sindh Governor’s House that CID SP Chaudhry Aslam be nominated in a murder case.The sources said that the police officers wanted that the police guards provided to the religious leaders of the community concerned be withdrawn.
“We could not have acted in a one-sided manner so we have decided to act across the board [withdraw guards from all religious personalities instead of from one community only],” said an officer who attended the meeting.Allama Abbas Kumaili of the Jaffaria Alliance, Maulana Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Allama Mirza Yousuf Hussain and others said that the police guards deputed for their security vanished without any prior notice and condemned the act of government.They termed that the reason behind the act to withdraw the guards is to pressurize the clerics and to take the revenge of the Shia community protest sit-in against Askari Raza killing.
They vowed that they would not bow down in front of the government atrocities.

Sit-in on Sukkur Bypass against desecration of Maula Imam-e-Zaman (A.S.)

Shia Organizations have announced a sit-in to be staged on Sukkur Bypass on January 9, 2011. The sit-in will be staged against the desecration of Maula Imam-e-Zaman 12th infallible Imam (Peace be upon him).
Shia Ulema Council Sukkur, ISO and JSO have given a call for the sit-in to protest against the non-registration of the FIR of the desecration. Blasphemous graffiti by the Nasbi Wahhabi terrorists evoked a huge protest on Wednesday.The call for the sit-in came after failure of the talks between Shia leaders and administration. The administration didn’t take any action against the culprits.
Sindh province has witnessed a surge in the desecration of Imam Bargahs, alam pak, and Imam-e-Zaman 12th infallible Imam and descendent from Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.).
Ahmed Ludhianvi, head of a banned terrorist outfit, had warned Shia Muslims and azadars they should not practice azazdari (mourning in commemoration of Karbala tragedy).  

Saturday 31 December 2011

Answer these only through Quran and Traditions (Ahadees)

1.  What is the name of first mujtahid?
2.  Before getting the degree of ijtehad, whose taqleed the first mujtahid did?
3.  Quote an Ayat or Hadees in favour of Ijtehad?
4.  Give an Ayat or Hadees in the praise of mujtahid who is not an infallible?
5.  If the mujtahid gives a legal decision (fatwa) based on Quran and Ahadees then why do  the  mujtahids say “when a mujtahid dies then his legal decision is null and void”. (matal mufti matal fatwa) ?
6.  Why a person can’t do taqleed of a dead mujtahid?
7.  On reaching puberty, can a boy do taqleed of a dead mujtahid?
8.  Is it lawful to interpret (tafseer) Quran through ones own intellect/opinion?
9.  Is taqleed of a mujtahid lawful?
10. What is the procedure for appointing the so-called naib-e-Imam and its lawfulness?
11. If the legal decisions (fatwas) of mujtahids were given according to the Quran and    
        Traditions, then why do they differ on the same issue?
12. Did any Imam categorize the traditions (istelahat-e- Hadees) such as hasan, qavi, mursal, zaiif, etc.?
13. Can any fallible person’s reasoning (aql) be an authority?
14. Give a proof on giving khums only to a mujtahid or so-called naib-e-Imam?
15. What are the characteristics of shekhein (seerat-e-shekhein), which Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) r ejected?
16. What are the orders of unnecessary religion (ghair zaroori deen)?
17. How many Imams (A.S) we follow ?
18. Shah Abdul Aziz Mohadis Dahalvi (sunni) in the book Tohfa-e-Ithna Ashari says, “The way
        the shias has their deputy of Imams (naib-e-Imams) by
the same proof we have the
       deputies of Prophet (S.A) (khalifa- e-Rasool)”.
Explain its lawfulness?
19. The theory that the deputy should be equal in all aspects as the head. (AlNaibo kal
Is it right or wrong?
20. In a period where freedom of religion is there, can anybody remain shia after boycotting
        those who support Aliun Waliullah and mourning of Imam Hussain (A.S)?
21 .Practicing religion according to Hadees-e-Saqlain  (Quran and Traditions of infallible) and reject practicing on Intellect (Aql) and Consensus (Ijmah) makes one go to Heaven or Hell?
22 .Why does so-called Naibe Imam, always write a footnote as  “Gods knows better” (Wallah-o-aalam) while answering any query?
23. Is it lawful to do taqleed (unconditional surrender and follow) of 14 infallible (A.S)?

Foundation Laws of True Shia Religion

Rasool (SW) said:

 I'm leaving amongst you two most valuable things- one is Allah's book and the other is my Progeny (Itrat, Ahlebait). These two never separates from each other. Such that they will meet me at the fountain of Kousar (Houz-e-Kausar). Whoever binds himself to these two will definitely attain salvation and whoever distances himself from these two will definitely be ruined. Till you are bounded with these two you will never ever go astray.
Hence to be safe from going astray and being disgraced, it is essential to practice on Quran and Ahlebait (AS). Neither by saying 'Hasbona Kitaballah' (only Quran is sufficient) can leave Ahlebait (AS) nor can add Intellect (Aql) and Ijma (Consensus) to these two.
 About Saqlain
Saqlain are the words uttered by a pious and Infallible mouth. Mysteries are hidden in this single word "Saqlain". If the creator of words & their meaning, The 14 infallibles (AS) have not explained Saqlain then the mystery would have remained as such. It would have remained hidden even after being apparent. If u want to see then

seeing with the strength of Imaan is true faith (Yaqeen) True faith (yaqeen) is not something wherein one agrees after seeing proof. It is in Hadith (tradition) that Saqlain is supreme creation (Aazam Maqlooqath). Quran is miracle of Prophet Mohammed (SW). About the talking Quran (Quran-e-Natiq) it is said

it is a fact that among the miracles of Prophet Mohammed (SW) one miracle is Ali (AS).
Miracle is beyond human understanding and conception, this is the proof of Prophecy (Nabuwat), Risalath and Imamath. Miracle whether by words or actions, is an order of Allah. Nabis, Rasools, Imams are the means through which it is performed.
After this vast and literal explanation, these conclusions came into fore are became evident that manifestation of miracle was done by Allah through the sayings and actions of the last Apostle of Allah. When the miracle is an order of Allah, it is obligatory for Muslims to act upon it. This was the reason that the Prophet (SW) said that whoever rejects Saqlain will definitely go astray and will become contemptible and be ruined.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Who is Allah

The Holy Prophet PBUH said that the first step to 'deen'( Islam ) is the 'maarefat' of Allah JJW. How can we have this 'maarefat'?  To have some idea about Allah we should think about some of His creations. This earth, where we live, is one of the 12 planets revolving around the sun.The earth is quite small as compared with the bigger planets. Jupiter, with its 62 moons, is 1000 times bigger than earth. Collectively, all these planets of our solar system have .15% of the total mass, the remaining 99.85% is held by the sun. Light, traveling at 186,000 miles a second, will go around our earth seven times in one second. But we are so lonely in this universe that the same light, traveling at this dazzling speed, will go in the empty space for about five years to reach the next sun(star)  nearest to us. (A rocket traveling at 20,000 miles per hour will cover this distance in about 1,70,000 years.) There are a large number of stars in our galaxy ------- estimates range from two hundred billion to four hundred billion stars. And the estimate for number of galaxies range from 140 billions to 200 billions. The universe is believed to be about 90 billion light years in its expanse.
   All the galaxies are traveling outwards at accelerating velocities, some traveling at about 50% the speed of light.The galaxies towards the the periphery have more acceleration than the ones located inwards.
 Quran informs us in Sura Zariyat, ayet 47 that Allah created this universe and He is giving it expansion.
 All the visible matter in space is less than 4% of the accounted mass in the universe; the remaining being the dark matter and something which is still beyond our comprehension. It has been postulated that all this matter was concentrated at one point about 14 billion years ago. At this stage there was no 'time' and no 'space/ distance' in the universe. Then a huge explosive Big Bang triggered the expansion. At that point the 'time' and 'space' (distances)  were created. All our  physical and conceptual existence is enclosed in this capsule the parameters of which are defined by time and space. It is almost impossible to have any concept of state of things when there was no space and no time or what lies beyond the outer limits of universe where time and space have not reached yet?
   Our earth is a speck of dust in this huge and mind boggling universe. We live on a small patch of land for a short duration in the cosmos. Comparatively, in this cosmic calender of billions of years our life of 100 years is only a small fraction of a second. Yet we are so important that our body is a miracle. The working of our heart, liver, lungs or any other organ of our body is wonderfully amazing. Our brain has more than 100 billion neurons which transmit information by electrical and chemical signaling processes. Each neuron is connected to other neurons by about 7,000 connections(synapses). Thus a brain can have 100  to 500 trillion connections for the flow of information. Comparatively, a super computer which transmits information only electrically has a few million connections.The instructions for the life of a human being are encoded in 3.16 billion "letters" in each of about 80,000 genes on 46 chromosomes in each cell. The sequence of four colors of this genetic code of  3.16 billion "letters"/molecules determines everything like height, color of eyes and hairs, the immune system, structure of brain or heart, etc. Despite of great achievements the scientists do not know anything about the nature of life which so mysteriously and beautifully differentiates a living body from a dead one.
    Nobody can ever believe that just by heating a few metals you can produce very sophisticated computers or aircrafts. Similarly it is inconceivable that this beautiful and amazing cosmos, the unceasing motion since billions of years of electrons and galaxies, the orderly and marvelous existence of life, the empty space and all other things could have been possible without the will and design of a supreme being. That ultimate eternal reality, the awe inspiring, mind baffling, stunning and incomprehensible supreme being, you call Him by any name, is Allah. It is simply not possible for us to have even a remote conception of our creator. Our minds have not been programmed to cross this barrier. He created in us the potentials and limits of our  thinking. Only He knows what else He has created. When Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq was asked, " What is the meaning of Allah-o-Akber?". He replied," He is much higher than being conceived by our intelligence." ( Bahar-ul-Anwar- 18/345 ). In fact, whatever concept of Allah we may develop, then we are the creator of  that concept and therefore that cannot be Allah. Quran says in Sura Al-Saafat, ayat 180 that Allah is much above  than whatever they describe Him.
     Imam Baqar A.S. said," Do you think that Allah has created only this universe and you believe that He has not created any other human being? By Allah, He has created thousand thousand universes and thousand thousand Adams." (Bahar-ul-Anwar 57/ 321, Al-Khasal page 652 hadith 54, Al-Touheed page 277 ).
    Quran says," Those only are believers whose hearts become full of fear when Allah is mentioned". ( Sura Anfal ayat 2 ).

Honorable Syed Abul Hassan Kazmi.